MSc Conversion Data Skills & Statistics
The MSc data skills and statistics book is intended for MSc Conversion course psychology students who have no prior experience in programming or statistics and who come from incredibly varied academic backgrounds. The course covers intro to R, data wrangling, visualisation, and descriptive and inferential statistics (correlation, t-test, chi-square, ANOVA, regression, power and effect size), underpinned by a focus on reproducibility.
This book is part of the PsyTeachR series from the School of Psychology, University of Glasgow. Our materials are open-source and have a Creative Commons licence so you are free to reuse, remix, and adapt our work, with attribution.
The purpose of Open Educational Resources is to reduce unnecessary financial burden on students and to help share good practice. I make as many of my teaching materials open access as I can for these reasons, however, if you have found them helpful and are in a position to do so, please consider making a donation to Black British Professionals in STEM or Pride in STEM (currently by buying a badge).